Shiatsu means finger pressure. As a treatment Shiatsu uses only the thumb, finger and palm pressure. Knuckles, elbows, knees and feet are not used for application because of of the limited sensitivity. A Shiatsupractor® uses approximately 700 points throughout the body based on the human anatomy and physiology to reduce muscle tension.
A treatment of Shiatsu will also slow down the Autonomic nervous system and maintain homeostasis (balance health), by calming distress in the body including the Integumentary (skin), Muscular, Nervous, Circulatory, Skeletal, Endocrine, and Digestive systems.
Our amazing bodies have a natural healing ability as can be seen when a cut heals itself over time. This same healing power is induced by pressing Shiatsu points on the body which invigorates this natural healing power.
A typical treatment has a patient lying on a mat or treatment bed while wearing loose, comfortable clothing. Pressure is applied along pressure points in the area of discomfort for a specific length of time, usually a few seconds. The placement of the pressure, its duration and depth are coordinated to stimulate these specific pressure points releasing the muscle tension and/or invigorating the Auto-immune system. A treatment lasts anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. The patient may experience some soreness the following day but the tension or chronic pain will have been reduced considerably.